- Outline
ManaConn is a permanent residence application which is interlocked with a silent-mode setup of a mobile phone, and makes the sound of media, and the sound of alarm muffle.
It is targeted for models that are not muted even in silent mode.
ON/OFF is changed individually and it can muffle invalid at the time of headphone or Bluetooth audio connection.
- Attention matter
- Please use after sound comes to come out or carrying out a check of operation beforehand, when it is muffled correctly beginning to use or a silent mode is cut.
- It may not be muffled depending on the application which reproduces sound.
- When uninstalling, where a silent mode is always cut, I need your help.
It remains changing into a silence state, when uninstalled with a silent mode.
In that case, since the volume of media and alarm is zero, please restore manually.
It is also the same as when forced outage of the service is carried out.
Be careful in use of a task kill application etc.
- Garis besar
ManaConn adalah aplikasi tempat tinggal permanen yang bertautan dengan pengaturan mode diam dari ponsel, dan membuat suara media, dan suara alarm meredam.
Ini ditargetkan untuk model yang tidak diredam bahkan dalam mode senyap.
ON / OFF diubah secara individual dan dapat meredam tidak valid pada saat headphone atau koneksi audio Bluetooth.
- Perhatian
- Silakan gunakan setelah terdengar datang untuk keluar atau melakukan pemeriksaan operasi sebelumnya, ketika diredam dengan benar mulai menggunakan atau mode diam dipotong.
- Ini mungkin tidak teredam tergantung pada aplikasi yang mereproduksi suara.
- Saat menghapus instalasi, di mana mode senyap selalu terpotong, saya butuh bantuan Anda.
Tetap berubah menjadi keadaan sunyi, saat dihapus dengan mode diam.
Dalam hal ini, karena volume media dan alarm nol, harap kembalikan secara manual.
Ini juga sama seperti ketika pemadaman paksa dari layanan dilakukan.
Berhati-hati dalam menggunakan aplikasi task kill dll.
- Outline
ManaConn is a permanent residence application which is interlocked with a silent-mode setup of a mobile phone, and makes the sound of media, and the sound of alarm muffle.
It is targeted for models that are not muted even in silent mode.
ON/OFF is changed individually and it can muffle invalid at the time of headphone or Bluetooth audio connection.
- Attention matter
- Please use after sound comes to come out or carrying out a check of operation beforehand, when it is muffled correctly beginning to use or a silent mode is cut.
- It may not be muffled depending on the application which reproduces sound.
- When uninstalling, where a silent mode is always cut, I need your help.
It remains changing into a silence state, when uninstalled with a silent mode.
In that case, since the volume of media and alarm is zero, please restore manually.
It is also the same as when forced outage of the service is carried out.
Be careful in use of a task kill application etc.